Our yoga class videos are made up of 5 parts:
e.g. "Mindfulness" video for JK - SK story excerpt:
Today we are traveling with Butterfly to a beautiful flower garden. As it flew through the colorful garden it took its time looking at, and smelling, all the flowers. Butterfly felt very happy. As Butterfly flew near Tree, it landed on a branch and rested for a moment. Tree asked, “What has made you so happy today?”. ... Butterfly didn’t understand and asked what that meant. Tree said that Mindfulness is about noticing things and how you feel. Butterfly wanted to practice being Mindful with some friends.
Preview Videose.g. "Mindfulness" video for G3-G4 lesson excerpt:
Today we are going to talk about Mindfulness. Mindfulness can help us calm and focus our minds to be more present and in the moment. Often our minds can wander and we think about what comes next instead of what we are experiencing. ... With Mindfulness you bring your total attention to a thought, feeling or situation using any one, or all of your senses. Practicing it regularly helps us not judge and respond rather than react in situations. To use it in your life, all you need to do is take a moment to stop, focus and be fully present.
Preview Videose.g. "Mindfulness" video for G1-G2 pose excerpt:
Butterfly flew through the air and saw... FROG
{ Do Frog Pose }
Feel how strong your legs are as you jump up towards the sky.
e.g. "Mindfulness" video for G5-G6 pose excerpt:
Coming into... CAT
{ Do Cat Pose }
Cat - Listen to the sounds around you
I AM Listening